How I Set (And Reach) My Goals

It wont be long before 2020 ends and 2021 begins. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling that I have no idea where the year went or how the years seem to go faster and faster each year. Personally I love New Years, not least because it’s a time to celebrate, drink too much and … Read more

Four Ways I’m Simplifying My Life

I’ve spoken in a previous post about how I love new years resolutions. It’s the perfect time to reflect on how well you did achieving your goals last year and to set new ones. To be honest, I’ve done well achieving a few personal goals this year, and I’m very proud of myself. But I … Read more

Planning A Gender Neutral Nursery

I would have loved to discover the gender of my baby during my pregnancy. However, I wasn’t so lucky. At my 20 week scan to discover the sex of my first baby, she had her legs crossed. It wasn’t that I had a preference between boy or girl, I just love to be organized and … Read more

How Having A Second Baby Gave Me More Time

When I found out I was pregnant with my second child, the initial feeling was terror. Oh my god, I thought. How was I going to do this? I was already balancing a full time job with a 2 year old. When my son was born, I knew I had to quit work. It simply … Read more

Four Things That Happened When I Quit Wearing Makeup

For ten years of my life, I would spend over an hour of my day, everyday, carefully applying makeup. I maintained this routine to feel presentable and flawless, despite it feeling like a complete chore most days. At some point, my routine changed and spending over an hour everyday carefully applying makeup was out of … Read more

How To Find A Spark Of Motivation

I’m going to be super honest. I don’t want to write this blog post. There’s a million other things I should be doing. But I don’t want to do them either. Half the time, I don’t even want to get out of bed and face the world. Half the time. The other half, I can … Read more